Why you should come...
This brunch is created to enrich, evoke, and empower women and their teens within the community to confidently seek God for His purpose over their life, teach them to speak aloud the promises He shared in a positive affirming way and soar greatly into the predestined journey after proper planning.
Focusing on teen girls, entrepreneurs, moms, and community change agents within Golden Triangle area, this brunch on November 5, 2016 between 11a-4:30p will empower the generation of today and our future.
God-fearing World Leaders

Coach ~ Speaker ~ Consultant ~ Author ~ Teacher
From traumatic childhood to triumphant living for God! Coach K isn't known as the Confidence Coach for no reason. She's confidently overcome obstacles many deem unfathomable, successfully managed multi-million dollar companies, coached many across the globe to K.I.C.K.startâ„¢ their confidence and now boldly dedicates herself to the ministry God called her to. Teen KICK Ministries is where she empowers teen girls for greatness by encouraging them to live boldly for Christ and not society.
With an infectious laugh, big hair and unending energy,this Confidence Coach, has taken empowerment to the next level. Come let Coach K teach you how to K.I.C.K.start Confidently Livingâ„¢ through SEEKing God first!
Check out more here: www.kishaschiclessons.com

Cherisse Plair is a wife, mom and entrepreneur whose life experiences have highlighted a path for ministry. She is a true student of the Bible and seeks to share the life changing Word of God. A graduate of Grambling State University and former student at the College of Biblical Studies, Cherisse loves nothing more than to serve others in Christ by sharing her testimony. She considers it a privilege to serve believers no matter what they’ve been through by helping them to know the truths of Scripture and by encouraging them to live an unabashed life through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Cherisse is the founder of 3 Words Ministries – a ministry with a mission to equip people with the right tools to build a strong foundation based solely on the word of God. The ministry seeks to make disciples of Christ, and to inspire others to lose themselves in the living Word of God while abiding in the presence of Christ. Cherisse is also the author of two forth coming books. Between working full time, growing her ministry and working as partner with her husband’s business; she spends most of her time with her two favorite guys, her husband Maurice and her baby boy Aaron. Learn more about 3 Words Ministries by visiting www.3wordsministries.com

A woman on a journey to fulfill her God given purpose while inspiring other women to do the same! Antoinette is a speaker, leader, and motivator among many other things, but what she prides herself on most is being a servant used for the Glory of God.
Come join Antoinette on her mission to Encourage, Inspire, and Empower women all over the world...
"Let's put on our WENGS and SOAR!"
Get to know more: http://www.wengs.org/